Shelves or cabinets? This age-old question is one that has troubled interior designers and homeowners since the invention of the modern kitchen. The ease and convenience of shelves can’t be overlooked, but do cabinets actually offer more space? We’re exploring the pros and cons of floating kitchen shelves to answer this legendary question once and for all.
Different Pros of Floating kitchen shelves
Stay on Budget
Maximum Customizability
Display Décor and More
Create a Focal Point
Cabinets do offer a bit of additional space but most homeowners will find that they seldom use the often overcrowded contents of their upper cabinets. Creatively placed shelving can provide a similar amount of room if they’re properly installed and maintained.
Cons of floating shelves
Easy to Create Clutter
Not Ideal for Small Spaces
Everything on Display
Tougher Cleaning
If you’re willing to keep the shelves clean and organized, we highly recommend this chic and simple style. As long as your dishes are washed after each use, then maintenance is not much different than a traditional Shaker-style cabinet.
After considering all the pros and cons of open shelves, we hope you’re able to make a more informed decision in your own kitchens. If you’re still having trouble making the right decision, then be sure to visit us at for more creative ideas and stunning design solutions. VIGO offers a range of kitchen products that work well with an aesthetic that embraces open-air shelving, including farmhouse sinks for the kitchen, single-handle kitchen faucets, and other kitchen sink accessories.